The Syringe Embalming Machine Pump

known as "Frankie"

-Monsters are created, this one's built for you

syringe embalming machine pump mortuary magic

Frank-Embalm Machine Model Presets

Syringe Embalming Machine Pump

Starting at $1,599-

Syringe Embalming Machine Pump

Starting at $1,749-

Syringe Embalming Machine Pump

Starting at $1,999-

**NEW FRANKEMBALM UNLEASHED with Guts Glass promo***
-Never again step away from those in your care, instead raise the standard of care
-Reduced transmission of surface microorganisms 
Never operate machine while flow is completely restricted
-Always follow best practice safety measures using professional embalming equipment
-Keep machine rod lubricated using petroleum jelly